Tips for Taking Before and After Photos for PURE Majik

Make sure you have turned off your smart phone’s flash. If you are indoors, make sure you are facing natural night. Avoid using light that is too dark or too bright.


Set the Scene

Find a well-lit, clutter-free area with good lighting to take your "before" photos. Use a plain background to avoid distractions.


Wear form-fitting clothing such as shorts, leggings, or a sports bra for accurate body measurement. Avoid loose or baggy attire that may hide your body shape.

Multiple Angles

Take photos from different angles to capture a comprehensive view of your body. Include front, side, and back shots.

Facial Expression

Maintain a neutral facial expression for consistency. Avoid smiling or frowning to focus on body changes rather than emotions.


Optionally, record your body measurements like waist, hips, chest, and thighs to track progress accurately.

Date and Documentation

Include the date when the photos were taken to monitor the duration of your weight loss journey.


Recreate the Scene

Try to replicate the same setup, lighting, and background as your "before" photos to ensure consistent comparison.

Wear the Same Clothing

Put on the same form-fitting clothing worn in the "before" photos to facilitate an accurate visual comparison.

Repeat Angles

Capture photos from the same angles as before (front, side, and back) to enable a straightforward assessment of changes.

Neutral Posture

Stand in the same relaxed, neutral posture as in your "before" photos to maintain consistency.

Facial Expression

Keep the same neutral facial expression, avoiding any emotional cues


If you recorded body measurements previously, take them again to assess the numerical changes alongside visual progress.

Remember, the most important aspect of any weight loss journey is your well-being and progress, not just the visual changes. Celebrate the positive changes in your health, energy levels, and confidence as you work towards your goals.

For photos of targeted areas:

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